Swisher Sweets Leaf natural rough-cut cigars for convenience store and wholesale


Swisher Sweets Leaf natural rough-cut cigars are part of the industry’s fastest-growing segment of large cigars.

Swisher Sweets Leaf cigars are perfectly imperfect, embracing every flaw in pursuit of the best cigar experience. From the tried-and-true Original and the flavorful Cognac to a sweet Honey and the unmistakable Sweet Aromatic, our rough-cut cigars are made with all-natural tobacco and finished with the highest quality, slow-burning Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper.

With adult consumer demand growing, the large cigar category is making a significant impact for convenience stores. With one-year total sales of $9.1 billion for large cigars, rough-cut cigars are continuing to make a significant contribution with 15.9% of the share and growing. Currently, there are 120,500 convenience stores selling rough-cut cigars in more than 10,000 new convenience stores as compared to the same period last year.

Rough-cut cigars are having a positive impact on overall cigar sales. Convenience stores that sell rough-cut cigars, such as Swisher Sweets Leaf, are up nearly 20% in large cigar volume as compared to convenience stores not selling any variety of rough-cut cigars over the same period. Rough-cut cigar sales have increased nearly 75% in convenience stores, outpacing all other larger cigars segments that are currently growing at a combined 12% rate.*

All this growth is clear evidence that, more than ever, adult consumers are looking for something real. Contributing to the growth in large cigars are the many convenience stores working to optimize the product mix and capitalize on growth in sub-segments. In fact, rough-cut cigars volume has grown 63.4% vs. YAG making it the fasting growing sub-segment in the large cigar category when compared to HTL Non-Tip cigarillos with 14.5% segment growth and Tipped cigarillos with 6% segment growth.

Although all-natural leaf cigars inherently have flaws – these flaws impart character but can also diminish smokeablity and customer satisfaction. With Swisher Sweets Leaf’s high-quality wrapper and specialized and curated manufacturing system, any flaws that could impact satisfaction are significantly reduced in the final product. Like all Swisher Sweets cigars, Swisher Sweets Leaf carry a freshness guarantee to further ensure a great customer experience.

Swisher Sweets Leaf Cigars are offered in three-count pouches in blends of Original, Cognac, Honey, and Sweet Aromatic.  They are a great complement to a lineup that also includes Swisher Sweets, BLK, and Optimo.

Click here for more information on Swisher Sweets Leaf.

*MSAi Database updated through 4/24/21


About Swisher:
Swisher is an international leading lifestyle company for adult consumers. Best known for its Swisher Sweet Cigars, the company is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. Swisher also has a global manufacturing presence in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Esteli, Nicaragua, and Wheeling, West Virginia. Swisher’s superior customer relationships matched with an unwavering commitment to innovative thinking and action have driven the company to grow and adapt to the evolving preferences of adult consumers for nearly 160 years. Visit https://swisher01.wpenginepowered.com/about/ to learn more.


Source: Swisher
459 E 16th Street
Jacksonville, FL 32206

Contact Us: mediainquiries@swisher01.wpenginepowered.com